Charlton Greenwood Ogburn

Charlton Greenwood Ogburn was a lawyer who served as a public official in various capacities from 1917 through to the 1930s. He was employed as legal counsel both for government corporations and labor organizations. His most widely recognized work was undertaken as counsel for the American Federation of Labor in the 1930s.

Ogburn was the son of yet another Charlton Greenwood Ogburn and Irene Florence Wynn. His brother William Fielding Ogburn became an influential sociologist responsible for popularizing the idea of culture lag to describe the difficulties cultures have in adjusting to new technology or other changes. OnJune 1910, Ogburn married Dorothy Stevens, bornJune 1890 in Atlanta, daughter of George Webb Stevens and Abbie Dyson Bean. In the 1930s Dorothy published mystery novels set in Georgia.

Source: Wikipedia